2. Get a packet of Lapsang Souchong tea.
3. Make a pot of Lapsang Souchong tea and sit down to write. You may add a bit of milk but no sugar allowed.
4. Write, drinking the tea as you proceed. Lapsang Souchong, with its distinctive strong, smoky flavour, is a fighting tea. It gets you poppin’.
5. Crucially, however, cold Lapsang Souchong tea is just horrible. Therefore, the longer you sit, the worse your tea will taste. This acts as a powerful productivity stimulant. Work quickly or suffer the consequences.
6. Hey, it works for me.
Reminds me of a recipe that went around the web when email was all we had: it was for making christmas pudding. A lot of brandy was consumed in the process, which had a predictable effect on the writing of the recipe; clearly the author was following the recipe while writing it out…
This is similar, but less well-developed:
Great advice. I’ve tried it with Russian Caravan, but sadly, it still tastes ok when it’s cold.