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Hello Idan, I’m reading your interesting ánd nice ‘Why aren’t we dead yet’ in Dutch and I wondered if you have already published anything about corona? I would be interested.
2nd: Ï’m interested in the bibliography of ‘Why …’.
Thank you, all the best,
John Woudt, with a background of philosophy, ‘inclinational musicianship’ and physiotherapy
Hi John, sorry to have taken a long time to reply – my blog notifications aren’t very good…
To answer your questions:
1) I haven’t written anything about COVID-19. Frankly, I don’t have that much to add to everything that had already been said, and “we told you this could happen” isn’t very helpful…
2) The references you asked for are listed below. If you want a different format or have other questions, email me at idan@idanbb.com and I’ll be happy to reply.
Why Aren’t We Dead Yet/ Idan Ben-Barak – Reference List
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