Here is a podcast of an interview I did for Richard Fidler’s “The Conversation Hour” on ABC Brisbane. I had fun – Richard and his gang over there sure know how to make a guy feel at home. Unfortunately they also have a policy of photographing their interviewees, which accounts for the grinning atrocity on the left-hand side. Perhaps now they’ll rethink their policy. Not that it’s a particularly unflattering photo – I always look like this after waking up at 5AM, flying to Queensland and then talking knowledgeably about things for half an hour hoping against hope that I’m not making a fool of myself on the air.

(I’ve come to the realisation that speech does not have a “delete” key and that therefore I should stay behind my keyboard with my mouth firmly shut until forcibly dragged from there, or at least until the next time anyone lets me fly off to places without paying for it myself.)

Having done my pleasant duty and with time to spare until the return flight, I set out to experience the exciting city of Brisbane on a lovely spring day and the marvellous opportunities it offers for the fun-seeking traveller. Within an hour I found myself sitting in a library reading a book. Brisbane is not to blame for this – I’m just one of Nature’s born library-lurkers, I reckon.