I wrote a book about the brain and Chris Nielsen illustrated it. I tried not to put too much of the “this bit of the brain does this and that bit does that” stuff in it because I think that’s not the most important and interesting aspect of having a brain (unless you’re studying to be a neurosurgeon, I suppose, in which case we’ve included a helpful guide to brain anatomy on the last page).
The most interesting aspect of brains is that they’re lumps of goo that think. Goo doesn’t normally do that. This lump does. We have no idea how it does that. Isn’t that odd?
A pineapple note: There’s more pineapple stuff in it than you’d expect in a book about the human brain. It started as a one-off mention on page 1, but pineapples kept coming up as a good example of all the things that a brain isn’t. Also, they’re fun to draw and “pineapple” is a funny word. Pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple.