I feel terribly grown up. It’s at www.idanbb.com . Still unpolished and needing work – a first draft of a website rather than a final product – but a website nonetheless.
Read MoreThe Tragedy of the Comma.
I found that I was actively avoiding using the printer in our office at work. Because of a comma. I’ll explain. When I send something to be printed, it goes over to the communal printer. So I rock up to it and press the appropriate buttons, at which point it prints the document (I cannot fault the printer on that count), while displaying a short...
Read MoreA brief note on the importance of having crumbs and socks and stuff scattered all round your workspace
Rule #1 of doing practically anything is that your first draft will be rubbish. Maybe there are exceptions; I don’t know. Maybe Picasso or Da Vinci could whisk off a completed work from a standing start, but we mere mortals usually can’t. Do you concur? Beautiful, thanks. Moving on. For me, whenever I sit down to do anything even remotely creative, I...
Read MoreCompetence and competition….and community
This Tuesday I’ll be hopping over to Sydney to attend the launch of a science writing anthology, The Best Australian Science Writing 2015. It should be a great read, from the few pieces I’ve been able to track down before I get my hands on the anthology itself. By all means grab a copy for yourself at your nearest book-dispensing entity. But...
Read MoreMore than water
NASA’s announcement about evidence for flowing water on Mars is indeed very exciting – but I’d like to point out (as NASA has also been careful to do) that although water seems to be a necessary component for life, it does not follow that ‘where there’s water, there’s life’. This might be the case on our own dear...
Read MoreBook Launch in Melbourne!
on the 7th of August at Embiggen Books. You are most cordially invited WhyArentWeDeadYet_invite_FINAL
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