When I first arrived in Melbourne it was made very clear to me that in order to be considered socially acceptable I need to get myself a footy team to support, and fast. The question of how to choose among the clubs seemed to baffle everyone; apparently you’re born with a preference, genetically imprinted into the core of your being, and that’s...
Read MoreKeeping Spore
The new big thing in Gaming is apparently “Spore“, a game in which the player gets to build a creature and lead it through its evolution until its development into an intelligent, social creature (and the game progresses into the space age at its advanced stages). I can straightaway note an extremely large number of things I like about this...
Read MoreSo Cold.
Melbourne is drenched with rain (that’s good) and freezing (not so good). We’re keeping our heaters on and covering up nicely, and it seems to do the trick. Daniel caught the sniffles last week but since he’s had no prior experience of sickness he didn’t seem to know that he’s supposed to be suffering,and did everything he...
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